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Like Moths To Flames - Angels Weep [Official Visualizer]
2024Feb 7
Angels Weep by Like Moths To Flames (‪@Yearofthemoth‬) is off their new album The Cycles Of Trying To Cope, out now. Stream/download: Whispering pines Tell a story of an afterlife Where heaven goes to die A darkened forest of corpses Stacked to the sky Where every angel weeps and god cries Kingdom of rust Once gold turned to dust Hope remains extinct The shadow from the trees Shows a picture of a world we've never seen A place immune to the suffering never existed The death choir sings Immune to the suffering Servant to the dirt Devoured by the earth Let it be done If it was meant to be Baptized in waste Where heaven waits for me I found where every prayer spends eternity Where they fall silent Empty infinity Crucified time and time again Whispering winds Breathe through the leaves Like needles to the skin Promises of paradise Where every angel weeps and god cries Visualiser by Graveside Manner //   / gravesidemanner #UNFD #LikeMothsToFlames #AngelsWeep

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